Sunday, June 21, 2009

Woohoooo a Video !!!!!

The ideas used in schools should be kept to school related themes and subjects. The tools and the objects that a teacher uses should be clearly checked and understood by the students. The students need to feel confident when shooting and filming the movie or video. The editing process can be confusing and time consuming each student should have a storyboard down with detailed ideas and prompts to allow for the video to flow.

Allowing for the use of the movies to be made in the classroom provides for an extreme amount creativity and feedback from students and parents. A video can be watched and reviewed by parents for a percent of the student grade. The possibilities are so endless with the creation of the videos by students that it will make a great lesson no matter what the lesson may be. The video I created extends on the unit plan about hurricanes, and I have included plastics. This video helps teach proper preparation during a hurricane and reducing the need for plastics so that they don't end up in the ocean when the hurricane has past. Hurricanes & Plastics with works citied.

1 comment:

  1. creativity in my opinion is one of the most important avenues that should be explored for children. Their little minds are busting with questions in need of answers. We could learn a lot just by letting the students brainstorm about a subject.
