Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Spreading the knowledge

The ability for the students to use many tools in the classroom is both resourceful and helpful a teacher needs to be able to help the students by allow them to learn many new technology tools. All the information a person has must be given to the next. Using valuable tools like the spreadsheet may help a child who has a problem with adding or putting information down on paper. Being able to put the information into a usable chart that has organization and flow will ease a child's anxiety. The use of this tool in the classroom cover many topics for example the students can use it to chart the paths of the hurricanes in the last ten years. With the column having the years and the names in the rows. Each spreadsheet can be customized to fit your subject or information. We are going to check the unit plan for TEKs. The amount and detail is up to the creator. The spreadsheet can be fun and have the students be creative.

I have created a spreadsheet with questions that a student could possibly do to extent the lesson on hurricanes. Here is the sample FOOD BUDGET. I also asked questions that I knew they would have to think and come up with their own answers. Types of foods, amounts of the food and how much each person will eat to figure the total they will need each day. The spreadsheet will come in use for many application and should be a great tool for any teacher.

1 comment:

  1. The food is the most overlooked thing that people forget. This could be a useful tool for the students to know how much is needed for safety. How about if there are multiple people in the family. I wonder if their is a formula that could calculate not just food for one, but food for many. Change the number of occupants variable and all the proportions would change with it.
