Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Spreading the knowledge

The ability for the students to use many tools in the classroom is both resourceful and helpful a teacher needs to be able to help the students by allow them to learn many new technology tools. All the information a person has must be given to the next. Using valuable tools like the spreadsheet may help a child who has a problem with adding or putting information down on paper. Being able to put the information into a usable chart that has organization and flow will ease a child's anxiety. The use of this tool in the classroom cover many topics for example the students can use it to chart the paths of the hurricanes in the last ten years. With the column having the years and the names in the rows. Each spreadsheet can be customized to fit your subject or information. We are going to check the unit plan for TEKs. The amount and detail is up to the creator. The spreadsheet can be fun and have the students be creative.

I have created a spreadsheet with questions that a student could possibly do to extent the lesson on hurricanes. Here is the sample FOOD BUDGET. I also asked questions that I knew they would have to think and come up with their own answers. Types of foods, amounts of the food and how much each person will eat to figure the total they will need each day. The spreadsheet will come in use for many application and should be a great tool for any teacher.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Woohoooo a Video !!!!!

The ideas used in schools should be kept to school related themes and subjects. The tools and the objects that a teacher uses should be clearly checked and understood by the students. The students need to feel confident when shooting and filming the movie or video. The editing process can be confusing and time consuming each student should have a storyboard down with detailed ideas and prompts to allow for the video to flow.

Allowing for the use of the movies to be made in the classroom provides for an extreme amount creativity and feedback from students and parents. A video can be watched and reviewed by parents for a percent of the student grade. The possibilities are so endless with the creation of the videos by students that it will make a great lesson no matter what the lesson may be. The video I created extends on the unit plan about hurricanes, and I have included plastics. This video helps teach proper preparation during a hurricane and reducing the need for plastics so that they don't end up in the ocean when the hurricane has past. Hurricanes & Plastics with works citied.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Art in digital storytelling

The art of storytelling, it can be digital through the work of movie making which including images, pictures, and audio. There are 7 important steps to telling a story the point of view, which gives the authors view how the producer wants the information to be portrayed. It also has a dramatic question that will be answered at the end of the story. Emotional content is also involved, the power of the message. The authors voice to help personalize the story. We would like music to be added to help support storyline. You want to have just enough information, not overloading the story. Pacing is the last element, you must allow for proper pacing and flow of the story.

To make a great digital story you must include all of these elements and help students understand that it’s a great thing to use them and always think about them when making a digital story. The digital story flows with a mix of videos and images; it has live shots of the important information with audio in the back to emphasize the shots taken. The shots that they take to make the story are important and the students should learn about the elements to video making. The digital stories are a great tool to use in the class it helps with extending a lesson. This allows for students to work in small groups, learn about technology, and make a cool digital story to share with friends and family. In my unit plan is an in depth look at the TEKs and questions surrounding the digital story.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The wonderful world of digital stories.....

When you introduce stories to a child its at a very young age. Stories are with a child forever. Giving a student the ability to have many different stories available to them makes a world of difference in their learning. They learn so much more and have a love for reading that's unimaginable. When you introduce digital stories to them and allow students to create a digital story in the classroom you are opening them up to a world of fun and excitement about learning.

Many things are involved in digital stories, you bring in all the subjects that they are learning in the classroom, math is involved by them timing the slide cast, science is used to have them develop a problem and try to fix it, language arts is used too in reading and writing skills, spelling skills, and social studies to allow them to relate to the past and future. So many things are incorporated in the digital story and it can be used in many projects. Hurricanes is an example that involves a multi-curricular topic. Many learning tools are used to find out a simple question. See sample activity plan.

The research has been done the popularity of the digital stories is high. The youngest students can go and do a digital story. The teacher can also go and make one and the students go in an respond by adding voice or comments to the story. It allows for the connection of the world to each other. Many people don't have access to talk on the phone but through a digital story many people can stay connected and up to date with each other, like pen pals or far away parents. Technology is so advanced to teachers that using all the tools out there is a hard task but staying up with the latest ones and the most useful are the best way to enhance a child's learning.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Internet Resources

Many things can be found off of the Internet, are they really good for are students to be looking and there are many education sites that aren't educational. As an educator you must pick and choice what is right for your students and make sure they are being able to have quality time with a good source. There are many search engines that are kid friendly sites. So when a student gets on a search engine they must know how to look for the information appropriately. The student must be able to put in the information in the search bar to get the best hits on the topic. Using the Internet and having students make up their own blog is an idea situation, or having a group blog.

This could be where student groups create a blog and follow each others all year long. This helps with social media groups and allows for peer review and feedback. Many sites help out with teaching the students how to create and review a blog. When a student tags their work it allow for easier finding of the archive later. Labeling all things helps with organization. The evaluation tools that are listed are a great resource for peer grading and reviews. A works cited for all your students work is a great resource for them the have and to learn to do with every project it is a lifelong learning tool that makes the assignment easier if they need to reference a topic. This works cited was done for Hurricanes. It is an example of the many sites and enormous amount of information that the Internet holds and how valuable the resources can be. Many other options for learning on the Internet are available. The Rss feeder, vi op, chat, and video. These are all things that can enhance any learning in the classroom if they are taught right to the students and used to the maximum potential of the student. The Internet just brings the world together.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Visions of the future

When we look at the past and see that technology has advanced so much since we were kids. It makes me think are we getting what we really need out of the technology that the public schools are providing. I mean the government gives the states so much money to improve the technology for the schools, and do the schools really use it wisely. I think that they do a good job of spending it. I do believe that they need to take the time to educate the staff on how to use it and make the most out of it. This makes it beneficial for the student and the teacher. Getting to use the program or tools to the fullest capability is the best for all involved. Check out this site for funding in our schools.

The many ideas that a teacher could possibly have are endless the students can import images, sounds ,and videos for projects in the classroom. The online surveys are very beneficial to many people it can tell of a students ability and background. To have all the students enabled to use the chat and im/ features that are available in the class makes the assignments easier and lets a teacher extend the lesson so much. Also to have each child set up with an email account is a great tool for the students to talk to each other and share information. Each teacher should use a variety of tools in the class to enhance every child's learning.

Inquiring Minds

Inquiry- based learning--A process that begins with gathering information and through applying the human senses-- seeing hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling.
A plan that provides the general direction that will allow both individual learners and the total class to achieve the set goals, without a lock-step method for every individual. It provides direction but does not specify the "one path" and thus provides for individual creativity and responsibility. All learning activities should focus on using information-processing skills. It puts the learner at the center of the active learning process. Teacher becomes the facilitator.

With project-based learning the learning gets hands on application with the use of technology and peers. Project based is used for students to help each other to allow for different levels of Bloom's Taxonomy to be used. Each level that a student masters in the collaborative project show a different level of learning and that is the ultimate goal of the teacher is to allow for the student to go above their previous learning capabilities and achieve greater learning through inquiry-based and project-based learning objectives. Through a unit plan these goals can all be mastered. For more information see my unit plan .